Komodo Island (Loh Liang) Komodo National Park


A Papuan who likes traveling, music, sea, caffeine and sunset like hell. English is not my native language, so please forgive me for the grammar :)

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2 Responses

  1. 21 April 2017

    […] Island in the eastern side of Indonesia hides away tons of jaw-dropping destinations such as Komodo dragon, Crater Lake Kelimutu, traditional villages, wonderful underwater world, scenic views and also […]

  2. 7 November 2017

    […] The largest lizard on earth lives here. It attracts people all around the world to come and experience the thrill being next by the predator. The monster lizard is called Komodo Dragon, which is named after the island. Komodo is one of The New 7 Wonders of Nature. You will do the trekking on several walking trails and if you are lucky enough, you will meet the dragon on the walking trail. The best time to come here is in the morning where the komodo is being active. Click here for more Komodo Island (Loh Liang). […]

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